Add questions to a development and feedback module


  • Master admin role with the following permissions:
    • Learning > Assignment > All
    • Learning > Module > All
    • Learning > Rule > All


  • Performance admin role with the following permissions:
    • Learning > Assignment > Add, Delete, Reset, View
    • Learning > Module > Add, Archive, Delete, Edit, Publish
    • Learning > Rule > Edit, View

As you create a Learning with Assessment or Assessment module, you must add questions to the module. You can also add and edit questions to a previously created module. You cannot add questions to a Learning module. For more information, see Create a development and feedback module.


When working with development and feedback, you can only create, work with, edit, and assign a feedback module in divisions for which you have permission. That is, you can only view data from the divisions that you are a member of. For more information, see Divisions overview and Assign roles, divisions, licenses, and add-ons.

Add questions to a development and feedback Learning with Assessment or Assessment module.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Performance & Engagement, click Development and Feedback.
  3. Click New Module and select Learning with Assessment or Assessment.
  4. Click the Assessment tab. The Assessment Form Editor page appears. You can create single or multiple-question groups and assign a pass mark for each group. 
  5. To add a question group:
    1. To add a name to a question group, enter Question Group Name. A question group is a label that categorizes a set of questions, for example, Product Knowledge.
      Note: The question group must have at least one question.
    2. In the Question Group Properties, enable or disable N/A Enabled Question Group to allow or disallow assignees to skip all questions in the group.
    3. In the Logic, enable or disable Display This Question Group Conditionally to show or hide this question group.
      Note: This option does not appear in the first question group. It only appears in subsequent question groups. On enabling the logic, choose any or all from the Show this when of the following responses are selected option and select the required questions and options from the respective dropdowns. To add multiple conditions, click Add Condition.
    4. In the Answers Default To, select the following options:
      • Highest Scoring – To assign answers to the highest scoring answer.
      • N/A – To assign answers to the N/A answer by default.
        Note: If you select both options, the default selection is set as the N/A option for a question that has N/A as an answer.
    5. On the right side, clicking Scoring, enter a Pass Mark %. The user must achieve this score to pass the module.
    6. Click Done.
  6. To add a question to a question group:
    Note: By default, you can insert a multiple choice, yes/no, or free text question.

    A multiple choice question allows the respondent to select a single answer from a list of choices.

    1. Click Add Question and choose Multiple Choice from the drop-down list.
    2. In the Question field, enter your question.
    3. (optional) In the Help Text field, add explanatory text about the question. In the evaluation form, the explanatory text appears as a tooltip.
    4. Under Answers:
      • Add answers for the respondent to select.
      • Add Points for each answer. Generally, correct answers have a value of one. Incorrect answers have a value of zero.
        Note: By default, you have three answers and points fields to enter.
    5. (Optional) To add more answers, click Add Answer and repeat step d.
    6. (Optional) To delete an answer, click the Delete icon next to each answer.
    7. Under Answer Properties, perform the following:
      • (Optional) Enable Require Additional Comments for the respondent to add comments after an answer. 
      • (Optional) Enable Add N/A as an Answer to make other choices in the question to be cleared and made unavailable.
    8. In the Logic, enable or disable Display This Question Group Conditionally to show or hide this question.
      Note: This option does not appear in the first question. It only appears in subsequent questions. On enabling the logic, choose any or all from the Show this when of the following responses are selected option and select the required questions and options from the respective dropdowns. To add multiple conditions, click Add Condition.
    9. (optional) Under Scoring, select Critical Question and Fatal Question.

      Note: The Critical Question and Fatal Question checkboxes work together. A critical question requires the respondent to select one of only two possible answers. Assign a value of one to the correct answer. Assign a value of zero to the incorrect answer.

      If the respondent selects the incorrect answer and the question is a Fatal Question, upon determining an assignment result, the fail result is assigned. To select Fatal Question, first select Critical Question.

    10. Click Done.

    A yes/no question prompts the respondent for one answer.

    1. Click Add Question and choose Yes / No from the drop-down list.
    2. In the Question field, enter your question.
    3. (optional) In the Help Text field, add explanatory text about the question. In the evaluation form, the explanatory text appears as a tooltip.
    4. Under Answers:
      • Add answers for the respondent to select.
      • Add Points for each answer. Generally, correct answers have a value of one. Incorrect answers have a value of zero.
        Note: By default, you have two answers: Yes and No.
    5. (Optional) To add more answers, click Add Answer and repeat step 4.
    6. Under Answer Properties, perform the following:
      • (Optional) Enable Require Additional Comments for the respondent to add comments after an answer. 
      • (Optional) Enable Add N/A as an Answer to make other choices in the question to be cleared and made unavailable.
    7. In the Logic, enable or disable Display This Question Group Conditionally to show or hide this question.
      Note: This option does not appear in the first question. It only appears in subsequent questions. On enabling the logic, choose any or all from the Show this when of the following responses are selected option and select the required questions and options from the respective dropdowns. To add multiple conditions, click Add Condition.
    8. (optional) Under Scoring, select Critical Question and Fatal Question.

      Note: The Critical Question and Fatal Question checkboxes work together. A critical question requires the respondent to select one of only two possible answers. Assign a value of one to the correct answer. Assign a value of zero to the incorrect answer.

      If the respondent selects the incorrect answer and the question is a Fatal Question, upon determining an assignment result, the fail result is assigned. To select Fatal Question, first select Critical Question.

    9. Click Done.

    A free text question prompts the respondent to enter an answer in a text box to respond to a question.  

    1. Click Add Question and choose Free Text from the drop-down list.
    2. In the Question field, enter your question.
    3. (optional) In the Help Text field, add explanatory text about the question. In the evaluation form, the explanatory text appears as a tooltip.
    4. Under Answer Properties, enable Question Response is Optional to make other choices in the question to be cleared and made unavailable for the respondents.
    5. Enter Maximum characters in response.
    6. In the Logic, enable or disable Display This Question Group Conditionally to show or hide this question.
      Note: This option does not appear in the first question. It only appears in subsequent questions. On enabling the logic, choose any or all from the Show this when of the following responses are selected option and select the required questions and options from the respective dropdowns. To add multiple conditions, click Add Condition.
    7. Click Done.

  7. To move a question group to the top or bottom, click the up or down arrow next to each question.
  8. On the right side, click Scoring and enter a Pass Mark % in the field provided. The user must achieve this score to pass the module.
  9. After adding questions groups and questions, click Save or Save and Publish.
Note: To preview the form, on the right side, click Preview Form Off. On the right side, click Content to view the table of contents of the question groups and questions.