Genesys Cloud hourly user licenses

Genesys Cloud offers a convenient hourly billing model for the Genesys Cloud CX 1, Genesys Cloud CX 2, and Genesys Cloud CX 3 tiers.

Note: Customers with existing subscriptions must wait until the end of their current term to renew to an hourly billing plan.

All feature functionality remains the same as the Genesys Cloud CX 1, Genesys Cloud CX 2, or Genesys Cloud CX 3 named and concurrent offers, but now you can choose contracts where you are billed at an hourly rate for the total duration of time users are logged in to Genesys Cloud.

For example, in a two-user org, if user 1 is on the system for 112.23 hours during the billing cycle, and user 2 is on the system for 110.11 hours during the billing cycle, that equals 222.34 user hours (112.23 + 110.11 = 222.34). At the end of the billing cycle, this value is rounded up to the nearest whole hour and the bill would be for 223 hours at the contracted rate.

Fair use allocated resources allowance included with subscription

Genesys Cloud hourly plans include an allocation of Basic IVR, Data Storage and API Requests for each billable Hour with the allocated minutes shown below:


Basic routing IVR (Minutes)

Data Storage (Gigabytes)

API on-demand (APIs)

BYOC Cloud (Minutes)

Voice Transcription (Minutes)

Genesys Cloud CX 1


16 0.16 675 45 0.9
Genesys Cloud CX 2


23 0.23 990 45 0.9
Genesys Cloud CX 3


29 0.30 1,260 45 45

For more information on Genesys Cloud fair use pricing, see Genesys Cloud fair use policy.