Genesys Cloud - August 14, 2019


Genesys Cloud audio management improvement

Agents and business users can now choose specific devices for certain audio outputs. For example, an agent can configure an audio profile to hear voice interactions from headphones and interaction alerts from built-in speakers. For more information, see Create a new audio profile.


AppFoundry free trial offers for premium applications

Genesys now implements AppFoundry free trial offers for premium applications, when made available from the third-party providers. AppFoundry free trials consist of a one-month subscription with no commitment, and you can cancel at any time. For more information, see Premium application free trial offers.

Bring Your Own Technology billing rates

Customers who use third-party technology solutions inside Genesys Cloud may now incur invocation charges from third-party vendors and from Genesys’s Bring Your Own Technology services. Third-party vendors bill customers directly, while Genesys includes utility charges on customers’ monthly Genesys Cloud invoice. For more information, see Bring your own technology services model.


Classic Agents Performance views deprecation removal

Genesys removed the Classic Agents Performance views on August 14, 2019. For more information, see Deprecation: Classic Agents Performance views

Social channel management deprecation postponement

The social channel management feature removal date is now postponed until August 28, 2019. For more information, see Deprecation: Social channel management.