Genesys Cloud
Deprecation: Full-text indexing of files in Documents

Announced on Effective date
2018-07-25 2018-10-31

On October 31, 2018, Genesys will no longer index the content of files uploaded to Genesys Cloud Documents. Standard metadata, such as the document title and author is indexed, but not the full text of new documents.

After the removal of full-text indexing, you can search for words within documents uploaded before October 31, 2018. Search will not locate words in documents uploaded after October 31, 2018.

Between the announcement date and the removal of the feature, Genesys will no longer address bugs or minor issues specific to full-text indexing. We will continue to resolve any major breakage until the end of life date.


Am I affected?

Everyone using the search feature in Genesys Cloud Documents is affected by this change.

How can I prepare for the feature removal?

No action is needed.

What if I need help or have questions?

Contact My Support.