Modify a recording’s archive or delete date

  • Recording > Recording > Edit Retention 

Modify the archive date or delete date for a recording.

  1. From the interaction’s detail page, under Recording Information, click Edit.Recording details.
  2. Modify the dates as necessary:
    • To activate the archive or deletion of a recording click + next to the date you want to activate and select a date.
    • To modify the date, click the archive date or delete date and modify it.
    • To remove the date and cancel the action, click the X associated with the date you want to remove.
  3. Click Save.
  • Deleting a recording is irreversible.
  • If the interaction has multiple recordings, to apply the change to all of an interaction’s recordings, choose Apply Update to All Recordings.
  • If you select the current date, Genesys Cloud archives or deletes the recording several minutes after you save.
  • This page does not automatically update when Genesys Cloud deletes or archives the recording, so refresh to see any changes.