Configure 911 or other emergency numbers

In Genesys Cloud, you’ll configure emergency services in the Number Plan and Outbound Routes sections of the Sites page.

Note: You should not assign an emergency number plan to a BYOC trunk unless you have verified that your carrier provides emergency services and that your carrier has the correct location where your phone numbers are in use. For more information, see Set up emergency services with BYOC.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Sites.
  3. Select your site.
  4. Click the Number Plans tab.

  1. Select the Emergency number plan in the list of number plans.
  2. Enter the emergency services number for your location in the Numbers box.
    Note: For United States users to conform with Kari’s Law, you must not alter the 911 number with a prefix or other modifications. See the Kari’s Law FAQ for more information.
  3. Click Save Number Plans.
  4. Click the Outbound Routes tab.

  1. Select the trunk you want to use for emergency calls from the External Trunks list.
  2. Click the Classifications box and select the Emergency number plan.
  3. Click Save Outbound Routes.