Genesys Cloud - May 10, 2017

Contact center

Co-browse with chat interactions

Agents can now browse the customer’s view of a web page during a chat interaction and collaborate with the customer using annotations and page control. For more information, see About co-browse and Co-browse vs. screen share feature matrix.

Outbound Campaign: Detailed Attempt History report

Supervisors can now create an outbound campaign detail report that includes all attempts and lists the contact ID and call analysis result for each attempt. This report replaces the Dialer Call History report. For more information, see Outbound Campaign: Detailed Attempt History report

Chinese and Dutch language support in Architect

System audio file support in Architect is now available for Simplified Chinese (zh-CN), and Dutch (nl-NL) for the Play Estimated Wait Time and Play Position In Queue actions and Collect Input verification. For more information, see Play Estimated Wait Time actionPlay Position in Queue action, and Collect Input data action.

Call Data Action for email flows in Architect 

Flow authors can use the Call Data action in email flows to retrieve additional information about a customer from a Salesforce data actions integration. Email flows can leverage this data to more efficiently route email interactions to the appropriate agent or queue. For more information, see About the Call Data Action.


Salesforce data actions

The new Salesforce data actions integration runs as a Genesys Cloud service and provides default actions that administrators can use to act on data in Salesforce. The integration replaces the previous Salesforce data dip integration that ran on the Genesys Cloud server. For more information, see About the Salesforce data actions integration.