View the users and groups who are authorized to work in your organization

You can see the users and groups from another organization who work in your organization.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under People and Permissions, click Authorized Organizations.
  3. Click Access To My Organization.
  4. Click the organization name. To see the list of authorized users, click the Users tab. To see the list of authorized groups, click the Groups tab. The list of users from the organization with roles in your organization appears.

To see who is in a trust, you must be a member of its trusted group

Genesys Cloud’s Authenticated Organizations feature establishes a circle of trust between organizations. This circle of trust permits a user who authenticated with their home organization to access an external organization for which they do not have a user account. To view the names of other users in the trust, or the names of groups authorized by the trust, a user must be a member of the trusted group.

  • A user must be a member of the trusted group to do the following:
    • View details about the trust and its members.
    • Access the external organization.
  • An untrusted user sees an empty list of users and groups in the trust along with a message about missing permissions.
  • If you are not a member of the trusted group, Genesys Cloud does not reveal its name to you.
  • To have yourself added to the group authorizing the trust, contact your Genesys Cloud administrator.