Series: Use the organization email domain name

Perform DKIM authentication

  • Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 3, Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital, or Genesys Cloud CX 1 Digital Add-on II license
  • Routing > Email > Manage permission

      Optionally set up extra customization for sending and receiving email, including DKIM authentication. Configuring DKIM authentication helps prevent outbound email routed through your custom domain from being marked as spam.

      • DKIM is a type of email authentication that generates a signature for the outbound email. This signature shows senders that the message is legitimate and was not been modified in transit. Having authenticated emails increases deliverability. For more information about DKIM authentication, see Authenticating your email in Amazon SES and DKIM frequently asked questions.
      • Amazon SES automatically adds a 2048-bit DKIM key to every email you send from your domain. For more info see the AWS article, Easy DKIM in Amazon SES.
      • Amazon SES automatically rotates the DKIM domain keys every 365 days; however, the frequency of key rotation may vary without prior notice.
      • Genesys Cloud uses only one DKIM signature and retains the other DKIM signatures as backup in case the one in use encounters any errors.
      • Genesys Cloud validates all DKIM signatures internally. Genesys does not own any responsibility for validation results by any third party tool.

      When you create your domain, Genesys Cloud automatically generates DKIM records. You can set up DKIM anytime. To set up DKIM authentication, add the provided records to your domain’s Domain Name System (DNS). Each record contains a set of unique tokens retrieved for a domain through the SES. This information is unique for each domain.

      Note: In the following example, Genesys Cloud replaces with your domain name.
      Name Type Value CNAME “” CNAME “” CNAME “”
      Note: This article includes the general process DNS providers typically use to add DKIM records to your domain’s Domain Name System. The procedure you use can differ, depending on your DNS service provider. 
      1. In Genesys Cloud, copy the DKIM records:
        1. Click Admin.
        2. Under Contact Center, click Email. The Manage Domains page opens.
        3. Locate the organization’s email domain and click Edit. The Domain Verification page opens.
        4. Click Show Advanced Settings.
        5. Under DKIM Authentication, copy the DKIM records.
      2. In your DNS provider’s website, sign in and navigate to the page for updating your domain’s DNS records. 
      3. Follow your provider’s instructions for adding DKIM records.
        Note: When Genesys Cloud verifies the records, the Pending Verification message changes to Verified and outbound emails use DKIM.

      When SES verifies the records, outbound emails use DKIM. If you do not set up DKIM, or if the process fails, Amazon SES still sends your email. However, the email is not signed using a DKIM signature.

      Note: If verification fails, click Refresh to regenerate tokens.