Eliminate a SIP proxy between a BYOC Premises Edge and a SIP provider

Based on the capabilities of the SIP provider, a BYOC Premises Edge requires or does not require a SIP proxy between a premises-based Edge and a SIP provider.

No SIP proxy required

A premises-based Edge does not require a SIP Proxy if the SIP provider meets both of the following requirements:

  • A SIP provider can sequentially roll calls, load balance, or percentage allocate between a list of IP address endpoints supplied by the customer.
  • A SIP provider has enough individual physical network interface ports on the SIP carrier device to have a physical port available for each Edge device. 


For inbound calls, the carrier distributes calls among the Edges. For outbound calls, Edges load balance with randomization.

Note: Multiple premises-based Edges can process calls at the same time. You should not route calls to a single Edges but distribute the calls among multiple Edges.

Steps for direct connection without a SIP proxy

  1. Determine that the SIP provider can sequentially roll calls through a list of IP addresses.
  2. Determine that the SIP provider has enough individual physical network interface ports on the SIP carrier device to have a physical port available for each Edge.
  3. Physically connect a single port to a single Edge for all Edges.
  4. Configure an IP address for the Edge. See Configure a network interface for a BYOC Premises Edge.
  5. Provide a list of your configured IP addresses to the SIP provider and request that the SIP provider sequentially roll inbound calls through those IP addresses. 

SIP proxy required

An Edge requires a SIP Proxy for either of the below situations:

  • A SIP provider cannot sequentially roll calls through a list of IP addresses supplied by the customer.
  • A SIP provider does not have enough individual physical network interface ports on the SIP carrier device to have a physical port available for each Edge. 
    Note: A possible workaround to a lack of available ports is to implement a switch or VLAN tagging solution.