Genesys Cloud - September 23, 2020

Contact center

Introducing sentiment analysis

The new sentiment analysis feature enables contact center supervisors to understand a customer’s attitude during an audio interaction, based on the language used. Genesys Cloud performs sentiment analysis on the transcript generated from the audio interaction. The collected knowledge provides valuable data about customer experiences, product and service reputation, and agent competency. For more information, see About sentiment analysis

Enhanced player on interaction detail page

Interaction overview, the player on the interaction detail page, is now updated for speech and text analytics features. Interaction overview incorporates numerous features that enable supervisors and agents to play back and listen to an interaction, and enables supervisors to discover unusual interaction dynamics, underlying issues with products and services, customer sentiment, and agent productivity. For more information, see About the interaction overview

Richer customer journey context for agents

Agents can now see a complete view of a customer’s web activity with your company, including their previous interactions as well as their current web visit. Agents can see in real-time when customers are assigned to segments, their progress toward achieving your business outcomes, and what they search for on your website. For more information, see Customer journey (Genesys Cloud).

Business hours scheduling for Predictive Engagement web chats 

Administrators can now define scheduled business hours to Predictive Engagement web chats to ensure that chats are only offered when agents are available. The Action Map Performance report now includes a count of web chats offered outside business hours. For more information, see Schedule groups

Change history log for Predictive Engagement

Administrators can now see the change history (create, update, delete) of Predictive Engagement segments, outcomes, and clickstream settings in the audit log viewer. For more information, see About the audit log viewer

Configurable default prompts in Genesys Dialog Engine

Administrators and contact center managers now have additional functionality to configure bot default prompts in Genesys Dialog Engine. This feature allows users to customize bot default prompts to align with the rest of their bot. For more information, see Configuring your bot


IP addresses for emails sent using the custom SMTP server integration

Administrators can now retrieve and allow outbound email IP addresses for customers using the custom SMTP server integration. For more information, see About the custom SMTP server integration for outbound emails and Domains and IP addresses in Ports and services to configure on your company firewall.


Export Media Types and Role real-time columns data into .csv files deprecation

On December 22, 2020, Genesys will remove the ability to export the Media Types and Role real-time columns data into .csv files in the Agent Performance Views. For more information, see Deprecation: Export Media Types and Role real-time columns data into .csv files.