Genesys Cloud - October 23, 2019

Contact center

Call flow schedule decision actions in Architect

Administrators and contact center managers can now use the Evaluate Schedule and Evaluate Schedule Group actions in call flows to make call steering decisions based on configured schedules and schedule groups. For more information, see Evaluate Schedule action and Evaluate Schedule Group action.

API usage view

Contact center managers can now track their organization’s API requests, including the number of requests, types of requests, and which clients make the requests. This information helps managers determine which clients make the most API requests and which requests are most frequent. For more information, see API Usage view

Change agent status in agent views

Contact center managers and supervisors can now change agent statuses in various agents views. Supervisors may need to change agent statuses when agents forget to go off queue or set their status incorrectly. This feature prevents interactions from routing to unavailable agents and keeps agents in adherence to schedules. For more information, see Change an agent’s status


US West region deployment

Genesys now includes the US West (Oregon) (us-west-2) region in its Genesys Cloud deployment. Service deployments to this region begin October 23, 2019. Genesys Cloud login now offers two Americas options: Americas (US East) and Americas (US West). New Genesys Cloud customers can choose the region closest to their main site location. For more information, see AWS regions for Genesys Cloud deployment.