Genesys Cloud - March 31, 2021


Custom SIP response code for maximum call settings in trunk configurations

Telephony administrators can now use the new Max Calls Reason Code setting to create a custom SIP response code that the trunk returns when the Maximum Call threshold is exceeded. For more information, see Configure maximum call settings. This feature has no restriction by user or required user to access.

Contact center

New queue configuration tabs

Genesys replaced the Settings tab in the Queue configuration workflow, which contained fields for configuring both after-call work and the routing method, with two new tabs. The General tab now contains the after-call work configuration and the Routing tab contains the routing configuration. This change has no impact on functionality. Genesys initiated the change to improve routing workflows for a more intuitive setup and to prepare for future queue settings. For more information, see Create and configure queues. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 1, Genesys Cloud User 2, or Genesys Cloud User 3.

Manually assign waiting interactions in a queue

Supervisors can now assign interactions that are waiting in a queue. This feature is often referred to as cherry-picking. Using Manual Assignment, users with the appropriate permissions can manually assign waiting interactions to on-queue agents, or to themselves. For more information, see Manually assign waiting interactions. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 1, Genesys Cloud User 2, or Genesys Cloud User 3.


Okta for Genesys Cloud SCIM

The Okta app for Genesys Cloud now supports Genesys Cloud SCIM (Identity Management). For more information, see Configure Okta for Genesys Cloud SCIM (Identity Management) and About Genesys Cloud SCIM (Identity Management) in the Resource Center, and Genesys Cloud SCIM (Identity Management) overview in the Developer Center. This feature has no restriction by user or required user to access.


Coaching permissions change

Starting April 28, 2021, Genesys will require an additional permission for Genesys Cloud users to support more flexible agent coaching and development configurations. To participate in coaching appointments, users must be assigned the coaching participate permission. The coaching participate permission will be automatically added to the PureCloud User role for all Genesys Cloud User 3 users. For more information, see Deprecation: Coaching permissions change. This feature requires the following subscription: Genesys Cloud User 3.

CIDR IP address range for cloud media services change

On April 2, 2021, Genesys will implement the CIDR IP address range for cloud media services change as planned for the US West region only. On April 16, 2021, Genesys will implement the CIDR IP address range for cloud media services change for all other regions. Customers should check the Genesys Cloud system status page for updates and contact Customer Care if issues occur. For more information, see CIDR IP address range for cloud media services change.