Configure maximum call settings

  • Telephony > Plugin > All permission

The maximum call settings allow you to limit or expand the maximum number of combined active inbound and outbound calls that are allowed on an external trunk or on a phone trunk. On an external trunk, the maximum call settings are a per trunk setting.

The maximum call settings are configured a bit differently for BYOC Cloud trunks (BYOC Carrier and BYOC PBX) and BYOC Premises trunks (External SIP).

BYOC Cloud 

Under BYOC Cloud trunks, the setting is called Max Concurrent Calls and it consists of two options: Unlimited and Limited.

The default setting is Unlimited. Genesys has optimized the Max Concurrent Calls setting to be set to Unlimited. As such, Genesys recommends leaving the Max Concurrent Calls set to Unlimited.

However, if you or your carrier determine that setting a limit on the number of concurrent calls is required, then you should select Limited and enter a value. When selecting the Limited option, Genesys recommends that you carefully evaluate the number of calls that you want to be able to handle concurrently.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Trunks.
  3. Click the appropriate tab: External Trunks or Phone Trunks.
  4. From the list, select the trunk you want to configure.
  5. Under the External Trunk Configuration, click General.
  6. Under Max Concurrent Calls, leave the default setting of Unlimited or select Limited to and enter a value in the box.
  7. Proceed to the Common settings section of this article.

BYOC Premises

Under BYOC Premises, the maximum call settings apply to both external trunk and phone trunk settings. You set a specific value in the box to specify the maximum number of combined active inbound and outbound calls allowed. Or you can enter a 0 (zero) in the box to configure the trunk to accept an unlimited number of calls.

Note: If you set Max Calls to 0 (zero), be sure to take into account the concurrent call capacity for your Edge devices. Setting the Max Calls to 0 (zero) does not increase the Edge’s concurrent call capacity. For more information, see Concurrent call capacity for Edge models
Note: The WebRTC phone trunk does not have a Max Calls setting.
  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Trunks.
  3. Click the appropriate tab: External Trunks or Phone Trunks.
  4. From the list, select the trunk you want to configure.
  5. Under the External Trunk Configuration or the Connection Configuration section, click General.
  6. In the Max Calls box, enter the maximum number of combined inbound and outbound active calls.
  7. Proceed to the Common settings section of this article.

Common settings

  1. In the Max Call Rate box, enter the average number of calls permitted per second. 
  2. In the Max Dial Timeout box, enter the maximum delay allowed before an outgoing call attempt is aborted.
  3. In the Max Call Reason Code box, enter the SIP response code that you want the trunk to return when Max Call threshold is exceeded.
Note: By default, a trunk returns a 503 Service Unavailable reason code if the Max Call threshold is exceeded. However, when you configure an external trunk, you can use the Max Calls Reason Code setting to specify a custom SIP response code for this condition. You can use a SIP response code in the 4xx, 5xx, or 6xx range. This allows you to configure a response code, such as 486 Busy Here, to more accurately indicate that the Max Call threshold is exceeded.
  1. Click Save External Trunk or Save Phone Trunk.

For more information on external trunk settings, see the External trunk settings reference.