Genesys Cloud - July 6, 2022

Contact center

Introducing contact center work teams

Administrators and contact center supervisors can now group the agents they oversee into work teams. Unlike existing groups, agents may only be members of a single work team at a time. This feature allows supervisors to easily and efficiently manage their agents and evaluate performance. For more information, see About work teams and Work teams overview. This feature has no restriction by user or required user to access.

Predictive routing queue detail report

Contact center administrators and managers can now view detailed performance metrics that demonstrate the value that predictive routing adds for a specified queue. The predictive routing queue detail report shows performance metrics against the set KPI for individual queues. For more information, see View predictive routing queue detail report. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 1, Genesys Cloud User 2, or Genesys Cloud User 3.

External metrics for performance scorecards

Performance managers can now import metrics that Genesys Cloud does not include, and then incorporate those metrics as part of agent gamified performance cards. This feature expands the scope of gamification core metrics to include external KPIs, for example, CSAT (customer satisfaction scores), daily sales, first contact resolution rate, and number of generated leads. For more information, see Configure external metrics for performance scorecards. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 3, Genesys Cloud User 1 WEM Upgrade II, or Genesys Cloud User 2 WEM Upgrade I.

Topics and sentiment metrics consolidation

Genesys Cloud now consolidates the nTopicCommunications and oCustomerSentiment metrics for asynchronous interactions such as email and messaging for an entire thread that occurs within a 72-hour period. This feature provides more accurate metrics, showing all topics and sentiments expressed for the interaction in that time period. As a result, this consolidation may cause a delay in accessing the metrics. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 3, Genesys Cloud User 1 WEM Upgrade II, or Genesys Cloud User 2 WEM Upgrade I.

Amazon Lex integration in Canada (Central) AWS region

The Amazon Lex integration is now available in the Canada (Central) AWS region, in addition to US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), EU (London), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) AWS regions. For more information, see About the Amazon Lex V2 integration. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 1, Genesys Cloud User 2, or Genesys Cloud User 3.


SMTP server integration email error notifications to agents

Agents in contact centers that use the custom SMTP server integration to send outbound emails now receive error notifications when the SMTP server integration fails to send the email. This feature enables agents to alert their administrator or supervisor about the error to improve customer communication and expedite problem resolution. For more information, see Use the custom SMTP server integration to send outbound emails. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 2, Genesys Cloud User 3, or Genesys Cloud User 1 Digital Upgrade II.