Genesys Cloud - July 1, 2020


TLS transport protocol for BYOC Cloud trunks

Genesys Cloud now supports the TLS trunk transport protocol for use with BYOC Cloud trunks. The additional TLS support increases Genesys Cloud’s compatibility with services and devices. For more information, see TLS trunk transport protocol specification.

Force TURN for WebRTC implementations 

Telephony administrators can now use the new Force TURN feature to reduce the number of open outbound ports on the firewall needed for Genesys Cloud’s WebRTC implementation. The Force TURN feature carries a monthly recurring charge. For more information, see Use the Force TURN feature.

Network capture for troubleshooting

Telephony administrators can now use the new network capture feature for the premises Edge to troubleshoot and diagnose network traffic and network configuration issues. This feature requires Edge and Media Tier version or later. For more information, see Enable network capture. 

Contact center

Google Dialogflow environments for an Architect flow

Administrators and contact center managers can now configure the Google Dialogflow environments in the Architect Call Dialogflow Bot action. This new feature enables users to create and integrate development, testing, and production bots by creating multiple versions of a Google Dialogflow Virtual Agent and then publish them to separate environments. For more information, see Use Google Dialogflow environments in Architect and Google Cloud Versions and environments.

New Date Span options for Metric widgets in Performance Dashboards

Contact center managers and supervisors now have additional Date Span options for metrics in Performance Dashboards. The new Date Span options include Past 30 days to date, Last month, Last week, This month, Past 7 days to date, This week, and Yesterday. In addition, managers can now select two options and show the percentage change between the two intervals to see whether the metrics are trending up or down. For more information, see Add and edit Performance Dashboards.

Supervisor actions in Agent Status widget in Performance Dashboards

Contact center managers and supervisors can now hover over the presence dot in an Agent status widget to display additional agent information. The agent hover card allows supervisors to change an agent’s status, log an agent out of Genesys Cloud, disassociate an agent from a station, and more. For more information, see Add and edit Performance Dashboards.

Contact verification and interaction history enhancements for additional selected regions

Enhancements to contact verification and interaction histories for chats and calls are now available in the Canada (Canada Central) (ca-central-1), EU (Frankfurt) (eu-central-1), EU (London) (eu-west-2), and Asia Pacific (Seoul) (ap-northeast-2) regions and coming soon to other regions. Genesys Cloud now automatically verifies a contact when an interaction begins, and displays abandoned and self-service interactions in interaction histories. For more information, see Contact verification overview, Find, view, and verify a contact’s profile, View the interaction history for a contact, and View interaction history for an organization.


Long polling for Genesys Cloud clients and network configurations deprecation removal

On July 1, 2020, Genesys removed the fallback mechanism that supports long polling (client pull) for Genesys Cloud clients and network configurations if the websocket (server push) connection fails. For more information, see Deprecation: Long polling for Genesys Cloud clients and network configurations

Data sync connector deprecation update

Starting July 1, 2020, customers can no longer open support cases for the following data sync connector integrations: Active Directory connector, Microsoft Exchange connector, REST Dynamic connector, SQL database connector, and Workday connector. This end of support date is one of the scheduled milestones in the Bridge platform deprecation. For more information, see Deprecation: Genesys Cloud Bridge integrations.

Web services data dip connector deprecation update

Starting July 1, 2020, customers can no longer open support cases for the Web services data dip connector integration. This end of support date is one of the scheduled milestones in the Bridge platform deprecation. For more information, see Deprecation: Genesys Cloud Bridge integrations.