Genesys Cloud - May 18, 2016


  • Changes to Default Password Requirements
    • Changes to the default password requirements improve password security and ensure compliance. In addition to the eight-character minimum length requirement, the default requirements now include one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character. The new default password requirements apply when a new organization is created, when new users are added to an existing organization, and when existing users reset or change their passwords. For more information, see Manage Organization page: Password Requirements tab


  • Enhancements to Telephony Trunk Administration
    • This release simplifies the telephony configuration of trunks and Edges. You can now configure multiple trunk types, such as UDP, TCP, and WebRTC. Previously, you could only configure one trunk type on a phone trunk.
    • The telephony trunk configuration UI now includes tabs for external trunks and phone trunks. Previously, the UI included tabs for trunks and line configurations. The new method of configuring phone trunks exposes all the phone settings, which you can now edit like external trunks.
    • Phone trunk setups on the Edge can now be inherited from the Edge group. If multiple Edges in an Edge group will use the same phone trunks, then the phone trunks can be configured on the Edge group and then inherited by the Edges. A radio button on the Edge settings indicates the phone trunks are inherited from the Edge group. You can still configure phone trunks directly for the Edge, if that Edge’s phone trunk settings should not be inherited from the Edge group.
    • The following procedures describe how to use the new trunk configuration settings:
  • Change to Trunk Number Format
    • For carriers that do not support the E.164 number format using RegEx, Genesys Cloud can now convert phone numbers to a different format on the trunk level. 
  • Additional AudioCodes Support
    • Genesys Cloud now supports AudioCodes firmware and AudioCodes 405/420/430/440 phones.


Genesys Cloud for Salesforce

  • Queue activation support.
  • Dialpad call control for DTMF support.
  • Single sign-on identity provider functionality.

Genesys Cloud for Zendesk

  • Queue activation support.
  • Dialpad call control for DTMF support.

Bridge Server