How does Messenger determine which participant name and avatar to display?

When you enable Humanize your Conversation for your Messenger configuration, Messenger displays a participant name and avatar next to each message that you send.

Any message that an automated reply or bot flow sends on behalf of your brand appears with the bot name and bot avatar that you specified in your Messenger configuration. If you do not define a bot name, no bot name appears. If you do not define a custom bot avatar, Messenger uses the default bot avatar.

When an agent sends a message, Messenger displays the name and avatar as follows:

  • If the agent has an alias and image defined, these are used. For more information, see Add an agent alias and image.
  • If the agent has an alias defined but does not have an image defined, a generated avatar with their first initial is displayed.
  • If the agent does not have an alias or image defined, the agent fallback avatar is used. 
  • If the agent does not have an alias defined, no name is displayed.