Did PureCloud get a new name?

Yes. PureCloud is now Genesys Cloud. Genesys is changing the name of our flagship Software as a Service (SaaS) offering, PureCloud®, to Genesys Cloud™. This shift reflects the evolution of the company and marks the launch of Experience as a Service powered by Genesys Cloud, which enables organizations to achieve true personalization at scale. Genesys Cloud, an all-in-one solution, and the world’s leading public cloud contact center platform, helps organizations provide better experiences to their customers and employees.

How will this affect the Resource Center?

With its new name, the Genesys Cloud Resource Center will continue to provide that same quality material that you have come to expect.

What happens to my saved Resource Center browser bookmarks?

Genesys is not changing our domain until a later phase. Therefore, you will still find our content at https://help.mypurecloud.com. While this means that most your bookmarked links will continue to work correctly, there are a few exceptions.

  • If the title of the article contained the word PureCloud, then the article title changed and so did the title portion of the link.

For example, if you have bookmarked the article, PureCloud Voice services, you must update the link from




You can do so manually by editing the link or you can just bookmark the renamed article.

  • In some cases, we are not changing the title of the feature nor the title of the article, so the link will continue to work as is.

For example, our existing SIP softphone feature will continue to be called the PureCloud Softphone for the foreseeable future. This means that the links to articles about the PureCloud Softphone will retain the same name and the same link.

Therefore, the article PureCloud Softphone requirements will not change and neither will the link https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/purecloud-softphone-requirements.