Web sessions
When you track your website with Genesys Predictive Engagement, then Genesys Predictive Engagement captures the web interactions history. This history includes the times and ways that customers visit and interact with your website.
Each time a customer arrives on your website, a new web session begins. The web session ends when a customer is inactive for 20 minutes or longer.
How Genesys Predictive Engagement verifies contacts on your website
- Genesys Predictive Engagement creates temporary contacts from Genesys cookies, which have a TTL of 60 days. An agent can save a contact with additional information on the profile tab on the agent desktop, such as email address and phone number.
- Genesys Predictive Engagement adds cookies to existing Genesys Cloud CX external contacts.
If you deploy the tracking snippet to your website and you use the Journey JavaScript SDK to capture a customer’s personal data while they are on your website, Genesys Predictive Engagement can identify them.
If Genesys Predictive Engagement cannot verify that the customer has a corresponding customer record, the customer’s name appears as “Unknown” in the session card.
Web session type
Genesys Predictive Engagement assigns each web session the predefined web session type. You cannot change this type.
Web events
As a customer navigates your website, Genesys Predictive Engagement collects the following data about the customer’s activity during a web session. Agents can view this information in the web session card. You can use this data to create segments, outcomes, and action maps that orchestrate future visitor journeys:
- Page views (only available if you deployed the tracking snippet to your website)
- Custom web events
- Searches
For more information about web event tracking for billing purposes, see Billing and usage.
Web session cards
Agents see a separate session card for each web session. The session card includes:
- Title
- Icon
- Duration
- Current page
- Session information
- Journey map
- Searches performed
- Segments matched during the session
- Outcomes achieved during the session
Where agents see event-specific information
Agents see event-related data in the journey map when they view session details. The following image shows a web session. The pages that the customer viewed appears on the left side, and the specific events that occurred during the session appear in the customer journey map. When the agent rests their mouse on an icon in the map, a tooltip provides more details.