Verify your domain name
- Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 3, Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital, or Genesys Cloud CX 1 Digital Add-on II license
- Routing > Email > Manage permission
- Responses > Response > View permission]
After you add the custom domain name, verify domain ownership. This step enables you to send outbound emails from the registered domain. To complete this required step, add a TXT record with the displayed name and value to your Domain Name System (DNS). Verification can take up to 72 hours.
Note: This article includes the general process DNS providers typically use to add TXT records to your DNS. The procedure you use can differ, depending on your DNS service provider.
Some DNS providers automatically append the domain name to the end of DNS records. Adding a record that already contains the domain name (for example, can result in the duplication of the domain name (for example, To avoid duplication of the domain name, add a period to the end of the domain name in the DNS record (for example, This step indicates to your DNS provider that the record name is fully qualified (no longer relative to the domain name), and prevent the DNS provider from appending an extra domain name.
- If your DNS provider does not allow underscores in record names, omit _amazonses from the name.
- To easily identify this record within your DNS settings, optionally prefix the value with amazonses:.
Add a TXT record to your DNS (general procedure)
- In Genesys Cloud, copy the DNS token string:
- Click Admin.
- Under Contact Center, click Email. The Manage Domains page opens.
- Locate the organization’s email domain and click Edit. The Domain Verification page opens.
- Under Domain Verification, copy the DNS token string in the Name column.
- In your DNS provider’s website, sign in and navigate to the page for updating your domain’s DNS records.
- Locate the TXT records for your domain.
- Follow your provider’s instructions for adding a TXT record.
Note: When Genesys Cloud sees the record, the system confirms your domain ownership and the Pending Verification message changes to Verified. This process can take up to 72 hours.
- Next, add the MX record to the organization’s domain server.