Use chat quick access

To view and navigate to recent chat rooms and messages quickly, use chat quick access and its keyboard shortcuts. 

To use chat quick access, above the Chats roster, click Quick chat access or the keyboard shortcut for your operating system.

To search for a person or group, type the first few letters or a keyword for the person or group that you seek. Use your pointer or keyboard shortcuts to navigate the results. By default, chat quick access displays the 10 most recent chat conversations.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcut Description
Ctrl+’ Opens the chat quick access panel
or Shift+Tab Navigates up one row
or Tab Navigates down one row


Opens the currently selected chat conversation


Closes the chat quick access panel

Keyboard shortcut Description
Cmd+’ Opens the chat quick access window

or Shift+Tab

Navigates up one row

or Tab

Navigates down one row
return Opens the currently selected chat conversation
esc Closes the chat quick access panel