Set up an Interaction Widget integration

  • License(s) for the application that you want to integrate. Contact your Genesys Cloud sales representative for details. 
  • A minimum subscription level of Genesys Cloud CX 1 is required.
  • Integrations > Integration > All permission (included in the Master Admin role)

Note: After you purchase the appropriate licenses for the application, your Genesys Cloud sales representative will ensure that your organization is ready to run it.

Interaction widgets add dynamic content to your interactions.

Users access these applications by clicking the tabs to the right of the interactions control bar. The applications are lazy loaded as tabs.

When selected, an application opens on the right side of Genesys Cloud and displays information associated with the active interaction.

You can run 10 applications concurrently across multiple interactions, with the last one clicked for the current interaction focused in the foreground. If 10 are running, one will be closed when another one is opened.

Configure an Interaction Widget integration by completing the following steps:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Integrations, click Integrations.
  3. Click Add Integration. Cards describing available apps appear. 
    Note: If you have not configured integrations for your organization, the Add New Integration option appears instead.
  4. If necessary, locate the app you want by typing all or part of its name in the search box.
  5. On the tile describing the application, click Install.
  6. (Optional) Use the Name box to give the app a different name.
  7. Click the Configuration tab. Your application may have different configuration options than the example shown.
  8. In the Application URL box, type the URL of the web application. See the list of URL Interpolation tokens on the Client Apps page.
    Note: Be sure to specify the full URL, including the https: at the beginning of the URL.
    For more information on the complete and current list of url-interpolation variables in the SDK documentation, see the Client Apps framework Client Apps framework
  9. If your app prompts for Iframe Sandbox options, type a comma-separated list of limited HTML5 iframe sandbox options to control application permissions. Available options are:
    • allow-forms
    • allow-modals
    • allow-popups
    • allow-presentation
    • allow-same-origin
    • allow-scripts
    • allow-downloads
      For more information about these options, see Mozilla Developer Network. For more information about Iframe sandbox options and permissions policies, see Property Definitions.
  10. Interaction Widgets are visible only to members of an official group. Click Select Groups, and search for the official groups that see the application.
    • In order for a group to be official, an administrator must create it and designate it as an official group.
    • You cannot configure a client application integration to work with a distribution group. 
    • Only users of the selected group see the application in Genesys Cloud. 
  11. Limit the display of the application by filtering to selected queues. Click Select Queues, and search for the queues applicable for the application.
  12. Filter by communication types to narrow the availibility further.  In CommunicationType Filtering, enter the text strings for the intended communication types.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Click the Details tab.
  15. Click the Inactive switch to make the application Active (usable by persons who have permission to access it.

  16. Click Yes to confirm that you want to active the app.