Set up an integration using the Generic Webhook

  • Understanding of the sender application
  • Understanding of JSON
  • Chat notification (webhook) configuration in Genesys Cloud is complete (see Add a webhook integration)

Use the Generic Webhook to send automated chats to Genesys Cloud chat rooms from an application of your choice. The Generic Webhook listens for messages, then posts updates as specified by a JSON payload.

  1. Use the URL from Genesys Cloud as the webhook notification URL.

    The location of the field for entering this URL depends on the application. See the application’s instructions or contact their support for help with this step.

  2. Configure the JSON payload using the following format:
     "message": "[message here]",
     "metadata": "[metadata here]"

    A webhook mapping can filter on a message or on metadata.

    • message is required in the JSON and specifies the type of message to listen for.
    • metadata is optional and specifies tags to listen for that might not be in the message.
    Note:  Genesys Cloud interprets the message property of the JSON payload as markdown, allowing broad flexibility for formatting chat messages.
  3. Set up a call to deliver the payload to the Genesys Cloud webhook URL.

    This must be a POST call using REST.


In this example, we set up an application to send notifications to a chat room for IT personnel. They want to know every time someone logs in to their secure network. The JSON payload would look like this:

 "message": "**John Doe** just logged into our secure network.",
 "metadata": "security log"