Restore previous presence for agents who disconnect and then reconnect to Genesys Cloud

  • Presence > Settings > View permission
  • Presence > Settings > Edit permission

By default, the users who reconnect to Genesys Cloud within 1 minute after an unexpected disconnect automatically return to their most recent presence state. Administrators can configure the time frame between 1 minute and 1440 minutes to return user presence to the most recent state when they reconnect to Genesys Cloud. Administrators can also return the reconnecting users to their on-queue presence. This capability applies to all users within the organization.

To configure the time frame for renewing the user’s presence to their prior state:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Account Settings, click Organization Settings.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Under the Contact Center section, enable the Renew Presence on Reconnect toggle switch.
  5. In the Time Frame for Reconnect, enter the time between 1 minute and 1440 minutes.
    Note: If the user reconnects to Genesys Cloud after the specified time frame, the user’s presence is set to Available.
  6. (Optional) To renew the on queue statuses of all users, enable the Renew On Queue Connections toggle switch.
    1. Click Save.