Series: Contact center enablement

Prepare for enablement

Prerequisite:  This series of articles assumes that you completed or are familiar with the information contained in the Planning section.

Take some time to clarify what Genesys Cloud includes and understand the scope of the enablement project. 


Discuss the following questions with your team:

  • Why did the organization purchase Genesys Cloud? What was the business case? How will the company measure the return on this investment?
  • Who are the project stakeholders associated with each aspect of Genesys Cloud? For example, who handles people management? Who designs the IVR?
  • Who is the core project team that manages the project calendar and milestones, communicates progress, removes roadblocks, and manages the day-to-day requirements of any new technology adoption? See Identify critical project roles and responsibilities.


Take the following actions before moving forward:

Preparation Assigned to Complete date
Review the Genesys contract, licenses purchased, and the Service Enablement QuickStart offerings. Make a succinct list for your internal project team members that clearly states what functionality you purchased, the scope of Service Enablement, and any exclusions.
Keep a running list of questions and concerns about the contract, QuickStart offerings, implementation, or anything else related to the purchase or implementation. Track who you share your questions with, response/resolution status, and outcome. This helps your Genesys Enablement Lead gather the answers to questions across internal resources (Sales, Development, Service Enablement, Support).
Schedule a “clean slate” product demonstration to cover the functionality you purchased so project team members have a clear understanding about what to implement.

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