Monitor content offers

Configure the following permissions in Genesys Cloud CX:

  • Journey > Action Map > Add , Delete, Edit, and View (to create action maps and see action maps in the report)
  • Journey > Action Template > Add, Delete, Edit, and View (to configure content offers)
  • Journey > Report > View

    Determine how often visitors view and respond to your content offers.

    View the number of times the content is offered

    This column shows you how often Genesys Predictive Engagement presents each content offer to visitors.

    Note: A content offer can present multiple times to the same visitor.

    View the click-through rate

    This column shows you the percentage of times that visitors clicked the content offer.

    Note: A content offer can present multiple times to the same visitor.

    Monitor a content offer's performance

    Use theAction Map Performance reportto monitor your content offers. The following table describes the metrics available for this report:

    Web Actions QualifiedNumber of visitors who matched a segment, activity, or outcome score that triggered the action map.
    Web Actions OfferedNumber of visitors to whom Genesys Predictive Engagement presented a content offer.

    Note:When a visitor qualifies for an action map, it does not mean that they receive a content offer immediately. For example, if the visitor matches a segment for the action map but is not on the webpage that triggers the content offer, they don't receive a content offer. Also, if there are no agents available, the visitor does not receive a content offer. For more information, seeProgression of web actions metrics.

    Web Actions AcceptedNumber of visitors who accepted the content offer. These visitors are a subset of those who received the content offer. For more information, seeProgression of web actions metrics.
    Web Actions StartedNot applicable
    Web Actions EngagedNot applicable
    Web Actions RejectedNumber of visitors who dismissed or rejected the content offer. These visitors are a subset of those who received the content offer.
    Web Actions ErroredNumber of visitors who experienced an error when presented with the content offer. This issue can occur before or after the content offer appears.
    Web Actions Timed OutNot applicable

    Content offer lifecycle

    For more information about the lifecycle of a content offer and the metrics that we capture at each stage, see Content offers lifecycle.