Include or exclude articles from knowledge surfacing

You can enable or disable visibility for your knowledge base question and answer articles. When an article is visible, the knowledge workbench includes it in active knowledge surfacing. When it is not visible, the knowledge workbench does not include the article when it surfaces knowledge. You can reenable the article at any time. By default, when you create a knowledge base article, visibility is enabled.

Note: The visibility status of an article affects search surfacing and also the ability to directly reference them. If you set an article as invisible, you cannot reference it or use it on a bot flow.

Click the image to enlarge.

Knowledge article visibility

Remove an article from knowledge surfacing

  1. Ensure that Visibility is off.
  2. Click Save. The article returns to a draft state.

Reenable an article and include it in knowledge surfacing

  1. Ensure that Visibility is on.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Publish.