Get started with authenticated web messaging

Authenticated web messaging allows only authenticated users to start a web messaging session with your agents. These users must log in to your website or your application before they can send a web message.

Note: Genesys relies on OpenId Connect Reference as an open standard for integrating into identity providers and authentication services.

To enable authenticated web messaging, follow these steps:

  1. Create or configure an authentication server (an OpenID provider).

    Note: The authentication server configuration depends on the provider. This step results in a Discovery URI and Client credentials (client-id and client-secret) that you need in the next step. During this configuration, Genesys recommends that you create a separate client-id for integration into Genesys.

  2. Create an OpenID Connect Messenger Configuration integration. When you configure credentials for this integration, use the client-id and client-secret.

    Note: The Set-up an Integration here link in Messenger configuration is a shortcut to the Integrations view. If you don’t see OpenID Connect Messenger Configuration object, you can add it to your list of Integrations by clicking the + sign.

    Figure shows finding the OpenID Connect Messenger Configuration in the Genesys AppFoundry.

    The following example demonstrates an OpenID Connect Messenger integration configuration.

    Displays an OpenID Connect Messenger integration configuration.

    This example shows where to add the client credentials (client-id and client-secret) in the OpenID Connect Messenger integration configuration.

    Display where you add client credentials to the OpenID Connect Messenger integration configuration.

  3. In your Messenger configuration, enable Authentication.
  4. In the Authentication area of the configuration, select the OpenID Connect Messenger Configuration integration. For more information, see Configure Messenger.
  5. Create and save a Messenger deployment.
  6. Assign this Messenger configuration to your deployment.  
  7. Copy the code snippet from this deployment to the website pages where you want Messenger to appear, or use a Tag Manager tool to deploy it. 
  8. To deploy Messenger to your mobile platform (custom mobile messenger), configure the deployment domain and ID in the Transport SDK. 
Note: For more information, see these Developer center articles: Authenticated web messaging and Auth plug-in and AuthProvider plug-in in Commands and Events.