Event categories

Explanation of campaign event categories in the Event viewer page.

Call Restriction

Type Description
Callable time set error invalid zone

The campaign’s callable time set contains an invalid timezone. 

To ensure sure that the timezone is valid, check the casing (upper/lowercase).

Contact list phone column configured with bad value

The campaign’s phone column contains values that are not phone numbers. Possible cause:

  • The campaign uses a column other than the phone column due to an incorrect selection.

 To make sure that they contain valid phone numbers, check the contact list phone columns.

Call Rule

Type Description
Contact attribute condition has column that is not in contact list

A call rule in the campaign was created using a contact list that does not match the campaign’s contact list.

Make sure that the contact columns in the call rule set are the same (for example, upper/lowercase) as the column in the campaign’s contact list.

Contact attribute type mismatch (string, Boolean, date, and so on.)

A call rule in the campaign performed a comparison on a contact column that does not match the type. For example, a date check on an alphanumeric value or a number evaluation on an alphanumeric value.

Make sure that the call rule set uses the proper comparison operator on the contact column to match the column data type. 

Call rule contains append to DNC list

A call rule in the campaign tried to append to the DNC list but was unsuccessful because the campaign is not configured with a DNC list.

Add a DNC list to the campaign.


Type Description
Invalid Phone Number

A call rule or a preview campaign could not create a Preview or Scheduled callback due to an invalid phone number. Possible cause:

  • The phone number does not match the organization’s country code.
  • The selected phone column is incorrect.
  • The number is not a valid phone number.


Type Description
Campaign throttled  

The system throttled the campaign because the campaign requested contacts too quickly. Possible cause:

  • The campaign rule skipped many contacts in a row.
  • The contact list has many DNC contacts in a row.
  • Too many contacts dispositioned as callable.disconnect or callable.noanswer.
Inactive Edges failed place calls

The campaign could not place calls due to one or more inactive Edges.

Inactive Edges turned off campaign

The system turned off the campaign because the campaign could not place calls due to one or more inactive Edges.

Campaign Rule 

Type Description
Failed to turn on a campaign

A campaign rule tried to turn on a campaign but was not successful. Possible causes: 

  • The campaign is in an invalid state.
  • Another campaign is using the contact list.
  • The Edge has no available lines due other running campaigns.
Set campaign dialing mode

An incorrectly configured campaign rule contains an incorrect dialing mode change. The allowable dialing modes are:

  • Preview > None
  • Progressive > Preview
  • Power > Predictive, Progressive, Preview
  • Predictive > Power, Progressive, Preview
  • Agentless > None
Campaign rule recycling campaign too frequently

An incorrectly configured campaign rule is causing the campaign to recycle in a short amount of time. Possible causes:

  • The rule is configured to recycle at a small campaign progress percentage.
  • The contact list is small.
  • An agent count rule condition is fluctuating.


Type Description

Automatic time zone zip code invalid

This event type can occur when adding or updating contacts through the API for automatic time zone mapping.

The system determined that the contact list has one or more contacts with invalid zip codes. The addition or update was successful, but the system does not use the contacts with invalid zip codes to determine the automatic time zone. 

Possible causes:

  • Wrong number of digits. Valid zip codes have five or nine digits.
  • Characters besides digits and hyphens. Valid zip codes have only digits and hyphens in these formats: 12345, 123456789, 12345-6789.

Failed to save contact

The system did not save the new or updated contact in the specified contact list because the contact exceeds one of these limits:

  • 128 character limit for data in contact list header columns.
  • 512 character limit for data in contact list column entries.
  • 50 column limit for the number of columns in a contact list.

Contact List Filter

Type Description
Contact list filter evaluation failed

The campaign failed to evaluate contacts against the contact list filter.

Recycle the campaign. If the contact list filter evaluation continues to fail, contact Customer Care.

DNC List

Type Description
External DNC authentication failure

The system could not authenticate the campaign’s gryphon or dnc.com list, possibly because the external DNC account was canceled or expired.

Confirm credentials and account status.

Entity Limit 

Type Description
Exceeded contact limit

You cannot create a new contact because the organization has reached the limit for contacts per organization. 

To add new contacts, delete old or obsolete contacts and contact lists.

Approaching contact limit

The organization is approaching the limit for contacts per organization. You cannot create a new contact once the organization exceeds the contact limit.

To avoid exceeding the contact limit, delete old or obsolete contacts and contact lists.

Approaching entity limit

The organization is approaching the limit for the indicated entity. Entity types include a campaign, sequence, contact list, DNC list, contact list filter, attempt control, callable time set, call analysis response, campaign rule, or call rule. Each entity type has a limit of 1000. You cannot create a new entity of that type once the organization exceeds the entity limit.

To avoid exceeding the entity limit, delete old or obsolete entities of that type.


Type Description
DNC/Contact list failure

A contact list or DNC list import was unsuccessful. Solution:

  • Make sure that the custom ID column in the contact list contains unique non-blank values.
  • Make sure that the header column count matches the column entry count.
  • (Public API users only) Make sure that the imported contact list actually exists.

Contact zip code column value invalid

This event type can occur when uploading a new contact list or appending records to a contact list configured for automatic time zone mapping.

The system determined that the contact list has one or more contacts with invalid zip codes. The import was successful, but the contacts with invalid zip codes were mapped to the default callable range (2pm to 8pm Eastern time).

Possible causes:

  • Wrong number of digits. Valid zip codes have five or nine digits.
  • Characters besides digits and hyphens. Valid zip codes have only digits and hyphens in these formats: 12345, 123456789, 12345-6789.

To correct the invalid zip codes, open the contact list export. If “UNDETERMINED” appears in a contact’s ZipCodeAutomaticTimeZone column, the zip code is invalid. Make corrections as required to provide the correct number of digits and formatting.

Import column exceeds length limit

A contact list or DNC list import was unsuccessful because the data in a header column exceeds the character limit.

Make sure that the data in the header columns does not exceed the 128 character maximum.

Import data exceeds length limit

A contact list or DNC list import was unsuccessful because the data in a column entry exceeds the character limit.

Make sure that the data in the column entries does not exceed the 512 character maximum.

Too many columns

A contact list or DNC list import was unsuccessful because the list exceeds the column number limit.

Limit the columns to only the data elements necessary for dialing, rules, and script pops. Make sure that the number of columns does not exceed the 50 column maximum.

Note: Errors that occur while creating contact lists or DNC lists do not appear in the Event Viewer. Instead, you receive an error notification at the time the error event occurs. 

Messaging Campaign

Type Description
Campaign stopped

A campaign was stopped due to an internal error.

Message Restriction

Type Description
Contact list email column configured with bad value

The campaign’s email column contains values that are not email addresses. Possible cause:

  • The campaign uses a column other than the email address column due to an incorrect selection.

To make sure they contain valid email addresses, check the contact list email address columns.

Organization Configuration

Type Description
Organization has no domain set

An agentless, power, predictive, or progressive campaign could not place calls because the organization does not have a domain setting.


Type Description
Fail to turn on a campaign

A campaign schedule tried to turn on a campaign but was not successful. Possible causes:

  • The campaign is in an invalid state due to a missing resource.
  • The campaign is in an invalid state because another campaign is running with the same contact list.
  • The Edge group’s outbound line count has run out due to other running campaigns.