Create a campaign schedule

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.

After you create a campaign setting in Salesforce, you can create a campaign schedule in Salesforce. By default, a campaign runs from 12:00 AM on the Start Date to 11:59 PM on the End Date of the campaign. A campaign schedule allows you to control when a campaign runs. You can associate a single campaign schedule with multiple campaigns.

  1. Create a tab to access campaign schedules.
    1. In Salesforce, click Setup.
    2. Search for Tabs.
    3. Under Create, click Tabs.
    4. In the Custom Object Tabs section, click New.
    5. In the Object menu, select Genesys Cloud Campaign Schedule.
    6. In the Tab Style menu, select any style.

    The following steps assume the use of default settings. Change the standard Salesforce configuration options, if desired, before clicking Next or Save.

    1. Click Next.
    2. Click Next.
    3. Click Save.

    The Genesys Cloud Campaign Schedules tab now appears in the top toolbar bar in Salesforce.

  2. Create a campaign schedule. 

    Warning: Do not change campaign schedules in Genesys Cloud. If you do change them in Genesys Cloud, campaigns in Salesforce will not behave as expected.

    1. In Salesforce, select Genesys Cloud Campaign Schedule from the menu in the top toolbar.
    2. In the Recent Genesys Cloud Campaign Schedules section, click New.
    3. Enter a name for Genesys Cloud Campaign Schedule Name.
    4. Select the Days of the Week that you want the campaign to run.
    5. Enter a Start Time for the campaign (24-hour format).

      Start Time indicates when a campaign starts based on the particular Time Zone selected on the campaign. For example, a campaign associated with a campaign schedule that has a Start Time of 8:00 AM starts at 8:00 AM in the particular Time Zone selected on the campaign. For more information about Time Zone, see Associate a campaign setting and a campaign schedule with a campaign.

    6. Enter an End Time for the campaign (24-hour format).

      End Time indicates when a campaign ends based on the particular Time Zone selected on the campaign. For example, a campaign associated with a campaign schedule that has an End Time of 18:30 PM ends at 18:30 PM in the particular Time Zone selected on the campaign. For more information about Time Zone, see Associate a campaign setting and a campaign schedule with a campaign.

    7. Click Save.

    Genesys Cloud campaign schedule in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce

For information about all steps necessary to set up campaign management, see Set up campaign management.

For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.