Configure organization-level email threading timeline

To provide agents with as much context as possible for customer replies, Genesys Cloud threads emails together. When a customer replies to an existing email from their email client, Genesys Cloud threads the email with the previous message and the agent receives the full email thread history. However, when a customer sends a new email with a different subject line, Genesys Cloud initiates a new conversation and does not thread the email. 

  • Genesys Cloud threads emails based on subject line. The reply and forward tags (Re and Fwd) to the subject line are ignored.
  • By default, Genesys Cloud threads email messages together if it receives a reply within 30 days. You can reduce the period or disable threading.
  • When the period you set between two emails ends, Genesys Cloud considers the latest email to be a new one and does not thread it to the previous email chain.
  • The timer starts once the agent disconnects the email. If the agent does not disconnect an email, incoming emails are threaded even if threading is disabled. 

You can configure the period until which emails have to be threaded.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Contact Center, click Email. 
  3. Click Organization Email Settings. The Configure email threading timeline page opens.
  4. Set a period until which a new email is threaded with the previous email. The maximum you can set is 30 days. 
    Note: To disable email threading, set the period to zero.
  5. To begin a new thread when the subject line changes, select the Enable Subject Based Threading option. Genesys Cloud generates a new conversation ID and a new email thread begins.