About the Amazon Lex V1 integration

The Amazon Lex V1 integration is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), and EU (London) AWS regions. Use the Amazon Lex V1 integration to call Lex chat bot actions in Architect interaction flows.


Genesys Cloud’s integration with Amazon Lex allows chat bots to interact conversationally with customers.

Get the Amazon Lex integration  

Amazon Lex is available from the Genesys AppFoundry. The first step is to install the integration. Installation makes the app available to configure in Genesys Cloud.

Configure the Amazon Lex integration

To access the Call Lex Bot action in Architect, your org must have permission granted by an IAM role, to use AWS resources. Next, configure and activate the Amazon Lex integration in your org.

Create a Lex bot

Use Lex bots in interaction flows

Use Amazon Lex bots in Architect interaction flows.

Work with quick replies in message interactions

Administrators set up quick replies in bot conversations. Quick replies are responses that customers can select as a reply during a message interaction. Quick replies allow for fast and structured responses, enabling you to offer simple, guided answers to direct messages by choosing from a list of options.