Genesys Cloud - January 13, 2021


DID and toll-free number management enhancements

Genesys continues to improve the way that administrators set up and assign DID and toll-free numbers. The updated UI now shows unassigned numbers and allows administrators to assign those numbers to a person, a phone, or a call flow. For more information, see Manage DID and toll-free number ranges and Manage DID and toll-free number assignments. This feature has no restriction by user or required user to access.

Contact center

Sentiment analysis for digital interactions

Genesys now supports sentiment analysis for digital interactions, including email, chat, and messages. Sentiment analysis enables supervisors to understand a customer’s attitude during an interaction, based on the language used during the interaction. For more information, see Understand sentiment analysis. This feature requires the following subscription: Genesys Cloud User 3.

Voice transcription search enhancement in speech and text analytics API

Developers can now search for voice transcripts through the speech and text analytics API, based on customer sentiment score and customer sentiment trend. This feature is supported for the following languages: United States (en-US), Great Britain (en-GB), and Australia (en-AU). For more information, see Transcript search in the Developer Center. This feature requires the following subscription: Genesys Cloud User 3.

Undo or redo changes to a workforce management work plan

Administrators and contact center supervisors can now use keyboard shortcuts or new undo and redo editing buttons in the work plan view to reverse or redo unsaved changes to the work plan name, optional day selections, added or deleted agents, shift constraints, and work plan constraints. For more information, see Undo or redo unsaved changes to a work plan in Manage a work plan’s weekly configuration. This feature requires the following subscription: Genesys Cloud User 3.

Genesys Predictive Engagement rebranding

The Altocloud product name change to Genesys Predictive Engagement is complete. The product name change appears in product interfaces, websites, documentation, and support tools. This feature has no restriction by user or required user to access.


Export Media Types and Role real-time columns data into .csv files deprecation

On January 13, 2021, Genesys removed the ability to export the Media Types and Role real-time columns data into .csv files in the Agent Performance Views. For more information, see Deprecation: Export Media Types and Role real-time columns data into .csv files.

Limit journey and interaction history for external contacts and organizations to 365 days deprecation

On January 13, 2021, Genesys limited the ability to view journey and interaction history for external contacts and organizations to 365 days. For more information, see Limit interaction history for external contacts and organizations to 365 days.