Genesys Cloud
Limit interaction history for external contacts and organizations to 365 days

Announced on Effective date
2020-10-14 2021-01-13

On January 13, 2021, Genesys limited the ability to view an external contact’s or organization’s interaction history to 365 days. This change is necessary to facilitate forthcoming enhancements to the agent experience.


Am I affected?

This deprecation affects you if anyone in your organization views an interaction history older than 365 days from an external contact or organization. This deprecation removes the ability to view interactions older than 365 days.

How can I prepare for this deprecation?

Make sure that your organization is aware of this change in functionality and understand what steps you can take to mitigate the impact.

To work around this change, you may be able to use the Interactions view instead of the interaction history in External Contacts.

You can also use our analytics APIs to continue to retrieve historical data for a given external contact.

What if I need help or have questions?

This change is related to the Analytics User Detail Endpoint API query interval change.

Contact My Support.