Configure Google Cloud Dialogflow ES intent behavior when the caller does not answer

Assign events for your Google Cloud Dialogflow ES bot to use when a caller does not respond to a prompt. Assign an event that triggers the first time that the caller does not respond. Assign an event that triggers if the caller does not respond the second or third time. Assign a final event to play a prompt to the caller and disconnect the call.

  • You can add all three events to the same intent.
  • Adding these events overrides the default fallback intent.

Optionally set the intent as the end of the conversation. This optional feature determines whether the disconnect takes the failure path or the intent path. For more information, see Call Dialogflow bot action.

For more information about creating and configuring Google Cloud Dialogflow ES bots, see Google Cloud Dialogflow ES documentation.

How to handle conversation context

When the interaction invokes any NO_INPUT event, by default the system ignores the invocation’s conversation context and preserves the conversation context from the last non-NO_INPUT invocation. This behavior ensures that the interaction does not progress in an unintended manner. If necessary, you can override this behavior; for example, if a Dialogflow ES bot uses a webhook to help manage the conversation context. 

If you want to use the conversation context from a NO_INPUT event, you can send back a specially-name output context called “genesysnoinput-overwrite,” with a lifespan of 1. 

If this context exists on the NO_INPUT response, then the system uses the contexts that return with that response instead of the previously preserved context.

Assign an initial event if the caller does not respond the first time

This initial intent triggers if the caller does not respond the first time only. Optionally add a custom response, such as “I’m sorry, I did not hear you.”

  1. In the Google Cloud Platform console, go to the Dialogflow ES Console.
  2. Choose an agent.
  3. In the left sidebar menu, choose Intents.
  4. Click Create Intent.
  5. Name the intent.
  6. Under Events, click Add event.
  7. Add the GENESYS_INITIAL_NO_INPUT event.
  8. Click Save.

Assign an event if the caller does not respond the second or third time

This intent repeats the second and third time, whereupon it reaches the final stage. You might decide to add different response text to pair with each event recurrence. For example, “I’m sorry, I still didn’t hear you.” and “I didn’t hear your reply. Can you say it again?”

  1. In the left sidebar menu, choose Intents.
  2. Click Create Intent.
  3. Name the intent.
  4. Under Events, click Add event.
  5. Add the GENESYS_NO_INPUT event.
  6. Click Save.

Assign a final event if the caller continues to remain silent

If the caller continues to remain silent after the third failure, use this final event to play a prompt to the caller and disconnect the call. For example, “We are having technical issues. Please call back later.” After that prompt, Dialogflow ES terminates and the call returns to the flow. The flow author can decide the next behavior; for example, transfer to an agent.

  1. In the left sidebar menu, choose Intents.
  2. Click Create Intent.
  3. Name the intent.
  4. Under Events, click Add event.
  5. Add the GENESYS_FINAL_NO_INPUT event.
  6. Click Save.

Set the intent as the end of the conversation

After you set up the events, you can choose to set the intent as the end of the conversation. When you enable this option, an interaction closes after the intent finishes. If this option is disabled, Architect receives an error and the flow takes the failure path. If enabled, the intent appears in the flow and indicates that this action is a timeout.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the intent that you are modifying.
  2. Enable Set this intent as end of conversation.
  3. Click Save.