Genesys Cloud - June 10, 2020


Genesys Cloud Voice in London

Genesys Cloud Voice, the 100% cloud-based solution using Genesys Telecom for phone service, is now available in London. Services are provided out of the AWS EU (London) (eu-west-2) region. For more information, see About Genesys Cloud Voice

Contact center

New columns in Queues views, Skills view, DNIS views, and Performance Dashboards

Contact center managers and supervisors can now view additional metrics for Queues views, Skills Performance view, DNIS Performance views, and Performance Dashboards. The new metrics include minimum and maximum times for abandon, wait, talk, hold, and ACW; the counts for Met SLA and Over SLA; new metrics for short abandon, and more. For more information, see Queues views overviewSkills Performance viewDNIS Performance view, and Performance Dashboards overview.

New filters in Skills and DNIS views

Contact center managers and supervisors now have additional filters for viewing interactions in Skills Performance view and DNIS Performance views. The new filters include User ID (Skills) and Initial Direction (DNIS). For more information, see Skills Performance view, DNIS Performance view, and DNIS Performance Detail view.

New columns in Interactions view

Contact center managers and supervisors can now view additional metrics for Interactions view, Agents Interactions view, and Queues Interactions view. The new metrics include the disconnect type for the conversation, the email subject for email interactions, the provider for the interaction, whether the interaction was monitored, total time to abandon, and more. For more information, see Interactions view, Agents Interactions Detail view, and Queues Interactions Detail view.

New filters in Interactions view

Contact center managers and supervisors now have additional filters for viewing interactions in Interactions view, Agents Interactions view, and Queues Interactions view. The new filters include Provider, Time to Abandon, Monitored, Remote party, Flow-out Type, and Answered. For more information, see Interactions view, Agents Interactions Detail view, and Queues Interactions Detail view.


New dimensions and metric in Analytics API

The Analytics API now includes three new dimensions and a new metric. The remote, provider, and flowOutType dimensions allow developers to query remote party data, such as name, phone number, and email address; request the name of the source provider; and query for the type of flow out from a queue, for example, a flow-out type of voicemail if transferring to voicemail. The tShortAbandon metric is a subset of tAbandon with a duration under the short abandon threshold. For more information, see Analytics: New dimensions and metric in the Genesys Cloud Developer Forum.

Use a single grant type across regions for secure authentication

Developers can now use a single Code Authorization or Implicit grant type in all AWS regions with their secure authentication implementation. This change is retroactive to all previously created Code Authorization or Implicit grant types. For more information, see Create an OAuth client

Journey JavaScript SDK enhancement for refined tracking and segmentation

The Journey JavaScript SDK for Predictive Engagement now includes methods that enable developers to track when and where a user clicks a webpage, and when a user becomes idle. For more information, see autoTrackClick and autoTrackIdle in the Journey JavaScript SDK.

Journey JavaScript SDK enhancement for web actions

The Journey JavaScript SDK for Predictive Engagement now includes Events methods that enable developers to send web action data directly to external reporting tools. This enhancement allows for complex reporting and analysis without the need for a backend integration. For more information, see Use Events methods with web actions in the Journey JavaScript SDK.