Genesys Cloud - May 22, 2019

Contact center

IVR flow performance views

Contact center managers can now track voice interactions through IVR flows, including data such as flow name, destination, outcome, and wrap-up code. This information helps managers determine call traffic and caller behavior throughout call flows, even when the caller does not speak to an agent. For more information, see Flow Performance views overview.

IVR flow metrics in Analytics API

The Analytics API now includes IVR flow metrics, including time in flow (tFlow), time spent on a particular flow outcome (tFlowOutcome), and counts for failed outcomes (nFlowOutcomeFailed). For more information, see Analytics overview in the Developer Center.

Architect flow outcome functionality

Administrators and contact center managers can use Architect’s new flow outcome feature to access data for analyzing customer self-service results. Configure a flow outcome; for example, automated payments, from the Genesys Cloud Admin menu. Then use the flow outcome in Architect’s new Initialize Flow Outcome and Set Flow Outcome actions to determine whether customers successfully complete the self-service operation. For more information, see Add a flow outcome, Set Flow Outcome action, and Initialize Flow Outcome action.

Architect menu move

Access Architect in its new location under the Genesys Cloud Admin Architect menu. This menu also includes links to Data Tables and Flow Outcomes. For more information, see About Architect and Log in to Architect.

Workforce management short-term forecasting enhancement

Administrators and contact center supervisors can now select the new Automatic Best Method option to use all available historical data for short-term forecasting. Previously, short-term forecasts only used the past eight weeks. This feature enables the AI-powered forecasting service to better detect trends and outliers, and to produce more accurate forecasts. For more information, see Add a short-term forecast.


Classic agents performance views deprecation  

On August 1, 2019, Genesys will remove the Classic Agents Performance views. The classic views will be replaced with the new Agents Performance views, which provide more robust capabilities for supervisors to track agents’ performance, status, evaluations, and schedules. For more information, see Deprecation: Classic Agents Performance views

Agent dashboard deprecation

Genesys removed the Agent dashboard feature on May 22, 2019. For more information, see Deprecation: Agent dashboard.

Outbound campaign: Detailed attempt history report deprecation 

Genesys removed the Outbound campaign: Detailed attempt history report on May 22, 2019. For more information, see Deprecation: Outbound Campaign: Detailed Attempt History report.