Register your domain and redirect inbound messages

  • Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 3, Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital, or Genesys Cloud CX 1 Digital Add-on II license
  • Routing > Email > Manage permission

      • This option is best suited if your existing email addresses do not use a subdomain; for example,, or if you want to keep copies of all incoming messages on your mail server.
      • If emails forward to Genesys Cloud from another mail server, enter that server’s email address in the Reply To field. This configuration restricts Genesys Cloud from replying to the mail server and creating extra ACD email interactions.
      • To ensure Genesys Cloud can reply to and send outbound emails on your behalf, you only need to add TXT records; MX records are not required for this process. This step is applicable only to Amazon SES and not to custom SMTP integration.

      Register your domain with Genesys Cloud for email routing handling, and redirect inbound messages to it. Use this method to keep a copy of all inbound email messages in your own email system by redirecting messages to your registered email domain. 

      Set up outbound email

      Applicable only to Amazon SES and not to custom SMTP integration. To use your existing email domain and email addresses, verify your domain or subdomain in Genesys Cloud. For detailed instructions on this process, see the Use the organization’s email domain name article. Then, set up outbound emails from your public-facing email address:.

      1. Click Admin.
      2. Under Contact Center, click Email. The Manage Domains page opens.
      3. Click Add Domain. The Add Domain dialog box opens.
      4. From the Domain Type list, select Custom.
      5. In the Domain name box, type the organization’s email domain from which emails route.
      6. Click SaveThe email address page opens for the new domain.
      7. To add email addresses to the domain, follow the instructions in the next section, Add email addresses to the domain.

      1. Click Add email address. The Add Email Address page opens.
      2. In the Email Address box, type the email address the customer uses to send an email.
      3. Under Email Routing, select Do not route (outbound email only).
      4. In the From Name box, optionally type the agent, department, or organization name that appears to the recipient when a representative responds to an email. 
      5. In the Reply To box, optionally type the email address that appears when an agent responds to an email. 
        Note: This address overrides the “Reply to” address the customer sees when replying to the original email.
      6. Click Save.
      7. To add extra email addresses, click Add Email Address and repeat steps 1–6.

        Set up inbound email

        To set up inbound email:

        • Add a subdomain to the domain.
        • Configure an email address.
        • Set up a redirect for the email address from your email server.
        1. Click Admin.
        2. Under Contact Center, click Email. The Manage Domains page opens.
        3. Click Add Domain. The Add Domain dialog box opens.
        4. From the Domain Type list, select Genesys Cloud.
        5. In the Domain name box, type the email subdomain (for example, yourAccountName), which appends with
        6. Click SaveThe email address page opens for the new domain.
        7. To add email addresses to the domain, follow the instructions in the next section, Add the inbound email address to the domain.

        1. Click Add email address. The Add Email Address page opens.
        2. In the Email Address box, type the email address the customer uses to send an email.
        3. To route to a queue, do the following:
          1. Under Email Routing, select Always route to this queue.
          2. Click the Queue list and choose the desired queue.
          3. In the Skills box, optionally add any ACD skills to ensure that associated emails route to an agent with matching skills.
          4. Click the Language list and optionally choose a language. This option ensures that associated emails route to an agent with a matching language.
          5. In the Priority box, optionally enter the email’s priority, from 0 to 10.
        4. To route to a flow, do the following:
          1. Under Email routing, select Always route to this flow.
          2. Click the Email Flow list and choose the desired flow.
        5. In the From Name box, optionally type the agent, department, or organization name that appears to the recipient when a representative responds to an email. 
        6. In the From Email Address area, do the following:
          1. Click Edit .  The Edit From Email Address dialog opens.
          2. Under Email Domain, select the organization’s domain from which emails route.
          3. Under From Email Address, select the email address that the customer sees when they receive an email from your agents. Typically, this address is your existing customer-facing email address, and must already be configured in Genesys Cloud.
            Note: When you set up outbound email in the previous task, Set up outbound email, you typed this address in the Email Address field.
        7. In the Reply To box, optionally type the forwarding server’s email address. For example,
          Note: This address overrides the “Reply to” address the customer sees when replying to the original email.
        8. Click Save.

        Follow your provider’s instructions for creating redirects from your email server.


        Your company’s name is Initech and you already have the email address If you want to continue using that email address, you can set up a redirect rule to send email from to your Genesys Cloud email domain, using an address like In the Genesys Cloud domain configuration:

        Set up the inbound email address record as:

        Option Example
        Email Address
        From Email Address

        Set up the outbound email address record as:

        Option Example
        Email Address
        From Name Customer Support

        In replies, customers see:

        From: Customer Support
        Reply To: