Genesys Cloud - Employee productivity category
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- Non-default content profile support for SMS
Employee productivity
- Multi contextual panels
- Improved accessibility in Tempo
- View possible shifts in the Genesys Tempo mobile app
- Notes panel improvements
- Wrap Up panel usability improvements
Account management
- Introducing the Genesys Cloud CX 4 license
Data, analytics, and reporting
- On demand voice and digital transcript translation
- AI-generated interaction transcript summaries
- English voice transcript sensitive data masking improvements
Open platform
- Script support in the CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce integration
Workforce engagement
- AI scoring in evaluation forms
- Daily value configuration in service goal templates
- Deprecation: BYOC Cloud TLS Ciphers:
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- Genesys Cloud for X (Twitter) Direct Messaging integration
- Introducing Genesys Cloud Social
- Work Automation List view OR queries
Employee productivity
- Multi contextual panels
- ACD voicemail transcription
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Sensitive data masking support for English chat and messaging transcripts
Open platform
- Ukrainian language support
- Deprecation: Documents UI Audit tab
- Deprecation: Auto answer pop-up toast
- Deprecation: Genesys Enhanced TTS – Google European Voices
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- Support for open messaging in Single Customer view
Employee productivity
- Multi contextual panels
- Agent Copilot configuration experience improvements
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Extended voice transcription services support for Turkish
- Support sentiment and empathy analysis for Hindi (Hi-IN)
- Date range and complete transfer type support for Journey Flows in Architect
Open platform
- Unified Experience from Genesys and ServiceNow embedded voice interactions
- Unified Experience from Genesys and ServiceNow with External Routing support
Workforce engagement
- Genesys Cloud updated built-in learning modules
- Deprecation: Billing APIs and UI components
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- Typing indicators in Mobile Messenger
Employee productivity
- Multi contextual panels
- Conversation summaries on transfer with Agent Assist and Agent Copilot
- Notes panel improvements
- Wrap Up panel usability improvements
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Journey Management date range configuration
Open platform
- Genesys Enhanced TTS now includes Amazon Polly Neural voices
Self service and automation
- Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows and Genesys Digital Bot Flows Belgium language support
Workforce engagement
- Trigger process automation from Coaching or Learning state changes
- BYOC Premises – Genesys Hardware Solution deprecation
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- Turn on-screen annotation and drawings in co-browse on or off for privacy compliance
Employee productivity
- Multi contextual panels
- Enable real-time queue and agent monitoring with customizable notifications on Android
- Improved Agent Copilot summarization for English and Spanish Dialects
Account management
- User settings page displays the last login date and time
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Insert a new event between two existing events in Journey Management
- Purchase Speech and Text Analytics as a standalone product
- Turn customer sentiment analysis on or off
Open platform
- Additional screen pop options in CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce
- Division-aware permissions and APIs for external contacts
Workforce engagement
- Increase screen recording duration for after-call work
- Set scheduling constraints for calendar months
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
Employee productivity
- Multi contextual panels
- Notes panel improvements
- Wrap Up panel usability improvements
- Agent Copilot support for Arabic, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Swedish, and German Switzerland
- Agent Copilot Dictionary Management
- Display external contact names in call history and voicemail inbox
- Enable message pinning in Collaborate chat
Account management
- User settings page displays the last login date and time
- Voice transcription combined offer
- Simplified license usage logic
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Native voice transcription support for Hebrew
Self service and automation
- Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows and Genesys Digital Bot Flows support for Hindi
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- Auto answer for voice interactions on queue settings
- Auto answer for digital interactions
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Filter and search conversations by acoustic metrics and wrap-up codes
Employee productivity
- Agent Copilot summary analytics access via API
Self service and automation
- Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows and Genesys Digital Bot Flows Thai language support
Workforce engagement
- Reminders for agents about their next scheduled activity
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- Configure max calls per agent with decimal precision
- Recurring outbound campaign schedules
- Script support for workitems
Account management
- Customize inactivity timeout settings
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Topic miner Swiss German language support
- Improved attribute lists view for Journey Management events
- Configure performance dashboard widgets with work team and reports-to filters
- Filter customer journey data using numbers
Employee productivity
- Enhanced email input fields
Self service and automation
- Portuguese language support in Architect
Workforce engagement
- Workforce management historical data import improvement
- Assign coaching without workforce management scheduling
- Workforce management activity codes for coaching and learning
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- Regex custom data filtering to protect sensitive information for co-browse
- Preserve routing information for callbacks and voicemails
- Define rule conditions based on workitem dates
- Updated agent canned responses panel
- Bulk workitem addition via API
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Share dashboards with work teams and individuals
- Agent performance reports for inactive and deleted users
- Improved native voice transcription accuracy for French
- Normalization of Digits in German for Low Latency transcription.
Employee productivity
- Enable emoji reactions in Collaborate including desktop, iOS and Android mobile users
Open platform
- CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce Agent Copilot support
- Custom node.js code as part of a data action
- Division-aware permissions and APIs for external contacts
Workforce engagement
- Improved search and filters for screen recorded interactions
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- SMS and E-mail campaign automation using campaign rules
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Native voice transcription support for capitalization, punctuation, and normalization of digits for English language transcripts
- Hindi programs, topics, and phrases support
- Complex journeys persist in post calculation sequenced path order on Journey Management
Employee productivity
- Add descriptions to collaborate chat rooms
Workforce engagement
- Improved deferred workload prediction algorithm
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
Account management
- Control scripts access based on division membership
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Native voice transcription support for Swiss German
- Improved native voice transcription accuracy for Spanish
Employee productivity
- Voicemail push notifications in Communicate mobile app
Open platform
- CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce language support
- Supporting links for operational event details
Self service and automation
- Track and optimize flow size with enhanced insights
Workforce engagement
- Improved workforce management schedule editor agent filter and sort
- Workforce management weekly staffing requirements with ABM forecasts
- Improved deferred workload prediction algorithm
- Deprecation: Agent Assist AI Experience tokens provisioning
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- Authenticated messaging enabled for Mobile Messenger
- View Mobile Journey Tracking for enhanced agent insights
- Web messaging Hungarian, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese support
Account management
- Audit Viewer granular detail of role changes
Customer Engagement
- Additional speech-to-text (STT) options for Architect bot flows
Employee productivity
- Preview active emails in queue and parked emails
- Collaborate chat hyperlink ability
Open platform
- Outbound campaign management support in CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce
Self service and automation
- Capture slot values via LLMs with Genesys Virtual Agent
- Generative knowledge article answers with Genesys Virtual Agent
Workforce engagement
- Workforce management activity smoothing and schedule variability
Customer engagement
- 2024 Genesys CIDR expansion and firewall requirements notification
- Quick replies, cards, and carousels for open messaging
- Automatically pause co-browse session for specific pages
- Real-time WhatsApp message status tracking
- External Contacts external ID support
- Workitems List View filter and sort support
Data, analytics, and reporting
- Enhanced bulk import for external contacts
Employee productivity
- Automatic missed call notifications for mobile communicate users
Workforce engagement
- GCBA proxy server support
- Enhanced date format display for workforce management agents