Genesys Cloud - September 9, 2020


Force TURN additional IP addresses

Genesys will add 17 new IP addresses to the existing pool of IP addresses per region dedicated to the Force TURN feature, bringing the address pool up to 26. Customers using the Force TURN feature with the existing 9 IP addresses should configure their firewalls to allow access to the additional 17 IP addresses for their region before October 21, 2020, when the new IP addresses become active. For more information, see Use the Force TURN feature

Contact center

Create Architect flows from YAML files

Administrators and contact center managers can now define Architect flows using YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language). This feature allows organizations to better manage specific use cases when the process of creating a flow using the UI is less convenient. For more information, see Define Architect flows using YAML and Archy in the Developer Center.

Build custom PDF reports from Performance views

Contact center managers and supervisors can now build custom PDF reports from the Performance views. Managers can share the downloaded report with others in the contact center and use it to further analyze contact center performance. For more information, see Export view data.


Analytics User Detail Endpoint API query interval change

On December 9, 2020, Genesys will change the Analytics User Detail Endpoint API (/api/v2/analytics/users/details/query) to allow querying for interval start dates up to 35 days in the past (including today). For more information, see Analytics User Detail Endpoint API query interval change.

Analytics Conversation Detail Endpoint API query interval change

On December 9, 2020, Genesys will change the Analytics Conversation Detail Endpoint API (/api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query) to allow querying for interval start dates up to 35 days in the past (including today). For more information, see Analytics Conversation Detail Endpoint API query interval change.

Analytics Conversation Detail Endpoint API maximum record per query change

On December 9, 2020, Genesys will change the Analytics Conversation Detail Endpoint API (/api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query) to return a maximum of 10,000 records per query. For more information, see Analytics Conversation Detail Endpoint API maximum record per query change