Genesys Cloud - September 2, 2020


BYOC Cloud rate decrease

BYOC Cloud per minute per call usage fees are now lower. Fees are down from $0.0020 to $0.0012. For more information, see BYOC Cloud pricing

BYOC Cloud is PCI DSS-compliant

Genesys recently received PCI DSS compliance certification for BYOC Cloud. For more information, see PCI DSS compliance.

Contact center

Speech and text analytics settings 

Voice transcription configuration options, including voice transcription enablement, are now located in the Genesys Cloud Admin Quality menu in Speech and Text Analytics Settings. For more information, see Speech and text analytics settings.

Coaching appointment aggregates API

Developers can use the new Coaching appointment aggregates API to retrieve aggregated coaching session data. For more information, see /api/v2/coaching/appointments/aggregates/query in the Developer Center.

Date and time slot type enhancements in Genesys Dialog Engine

Administrators and contact center managers now have additional date slot type and time slot type configuration options. The more granular configuration options enable users to build more bot use cases. For more information, see Slots and slot types