Genesys Cloud - September 18, 2019


Add BYOC Cloud or Genesys Cloud Voice to existing subscription

Telephony administrators can now use Genesys Cloud Voice and BYOC Cloud together to provide the best of both Cloud telephony connection options. Use the new self-service Genesys add-ons feature to add BYOC Cloud or Genesys Cloud Voice to the existing subscription. For more information, see Add BYOC Cloud or Genesys Cloud Voice to your subscription

Contact center

Bulk delete recordings in Recordings API

Developers can now change the deletion date for a set of filtered interactions through the Recordings API. This enhancement enables developers to bulk delete recordings, providing more control over the life cycle of recordings within Genesys Cloud. For more information, see /api/v2/recording/jobs under Recording in the Developer Center.

View evaluations update

Agents and contact center quality managers can now view evaluations that are less than one month old from their inbox. Evaluations that are more than one month old are still visible in the Quality Administrator dashboard, Quality Evaluator dashboard, and My Performance views. For more information, see View evaluations from the inbox