Genesys Cloud - May 26, 2021

Contact center

Introducing Architect flow outcome milestones

Administrators and contact center managers can now use outcome milestones in Architect flows. Milestones enable more granular reporting for flow outcomes so that you can build reporting around the customer journey. For more information, see Add a flow milestone and Add Flow Milestone action. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 1, Genesys Cloud User 2, or Genesys Cloud User 3.

View bot flow utterance history

Bot authors can now view all utterances in a bot flow conversation. This enhancement enables bot authors to monitor the conversation for intent recognition against testing and actual use case utterances. To access this feature, users must have the Analytics > botFlowReportingTurn > View permission assigned to any role. For more information, see View utterance history. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 1, Genesys Cloud User 2, or Genesys Cloud User 3.

Enhancements to workforce management forecasts

Administrators and contact center supervisors can now create short-term interval forecasts up to six weeks for scheduling, and long-term daily forecasts for up to two years, or 104 weeks. These enhancements provide improved insight into trends and seasonality. Short-term forecasts and long-term forecasts now appear on separate tabs in the forecast view. Modifications for both views associated with the first six weeks of the forecast are also viewable in both tabs. For more information, see Work with forecasts and Work with the forecast editor. This feature requires the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 3, Genesys Cloud User 1 WEM Upgrade II, or Genesys Cloud User 2 WEM Upgrade I.


Incoming non-voice interaction alert ringtone change

On June 9, 2021, Genesys will replace the current sound accompanying incoming non-voice interaction alerts with a new ringtone. The new ringtone will play continuously until an agent answers or declines, or the alert timer expires. For more information, see Incoming non-voice interaction alert ringtone change. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 1, Genesys Cloud User 2, Genesys Cloud User 3, Genesys Cloud User 1 Digital Upgrade I, Genesys Cloud User 1 Digital Upgrade II, or Genesys Cloud User 2 Digital Upgrade I.

Reduced data retention period for journey history change

On May 26, 2021, the reduced data retention period for journey history went into effect. For more information, see Journey history data retention change. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 2, Genesys Cloud User 3, Genesys Cloud User 1 Digital Upgrade I, Genesys Cloud User 1 Digital Upgrade II, or Genesys Cloud User 2 Digital Upgrade I.