Genesys Cloud - January 23, 2019

Contact center

MOS scores for voice interactions

Contact center managers can now view the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) for voice interactions in a new column in interactions views. MOS provides better insight into voice quality by ranking audio quality from 1 (unacceptable) to 5 (excellent). Managers can filter a voice interaction by a range of MOS scores, or filter for scores that exceed or fall below a threshold value. For more information, see Interactions viewAgents Interactions Detail view, and Queues Interactions Detail view. This feature requires Edge and Media Tier version or later.

Send Response action in Architect message flows 

Administrators and contact center managers can now use the Send Response action in Architect to configure a message and return it to an SMS recipient. This feature enables agents to work on more complex tasks by automating standard message interactions. For more information, see Inbound message flows overview and Send Response action.

Genesys Cloud scheduling enhancements

Enhancements to Genesys Cloud’s schedule builder include improved iCal functionality and a more robust interface. These improvements enable administrators to easily build and implement routing schedules for inbound and outbound interactions. For more information, see Create a schedule

Dutch TTS and ASR language support

Text-to-speech (TTS) and speech recognition (ASR) support are now available for Dutch (nl-NL). Genesys Cloud now provides full support for Dutch: IVR prompts and runtime, telephony user interface (TUI), text-to-speech, and speech recognition. For more information, see Genesys Cloud supported languages. This feature requires Edge and Media Tier version or later.

Image component enhancement for scripts 

Script designers can now pull images from their workspace in Content Management when adding an image component. This feature provides a more efficient alternative to hosting an image using a URL. For more information, see Image script component.


Amazon Lex integration for inbound message flows 

The Amazon Lex integration now provides Natural Language Understanding (NLU) within inbound message flows, in addition to inbound, outbound, and in-queue call flows. Obtain and configure the Amazon Lex integration from the Genesys AppFoundry, build the Lex Bots in the AWS console, and then call them from Architect flows. This feature helps administrators and contact center managers implement self-service applications for customers before or in lieu of routing them to an agent. The Amazon Lex integration is available in the US East (N. Virginia) and EU (Ireland) AWS regions. For more information, see About the Amazon Lex integration and Call Lex Bot action.