Genesys Cloud - January 2, 2019

Contact center

New queues detail views

Contact center managers can now view data about agent and queue interactions in the new Queues Interactions Detail view and Queues Agents Detail View. These views allow contact center managers to gain more insight into a queue performance, including real-time agent metrics, and to activate agents on a queue as needed. For more information, see Queues Interactions Detail view and Queues Agents Detail view

Queues view redirects to Queues Performance Summary view 

Contact center managers now see the Queues Performance Summary view instead of the classic Queues view when they click Performance > Queues. The Queues Performance Summary view provides access to all queue-based performance views, which contain more information, features, and customizations than the classic Queues view. The queue-based performance views include the Queues Activity views and the new Queues Interactions Detail view and Queues Agents Detail view. Managers can optionally switch back to the classic Queues view. For more information, see Queues views overview

Activate Queues panel enhancements

The Activate Queues panel has a new search bar and an updated user interface. These enhancements help agents to quickly and easily activate or deactivate themselves for queues. For more information, see Choose queues to work.