Genesys Cloud - February 27, 2019

Contact center

Workforce management intraday rescheduling

Workforce management now includes the ability to perform intraday rescheduling. This feature enables administrators and contact center supervisors to reoptimize shift start and length and activity start times. For more information, see Initiate an intraday reschedule.

Additional filters and metrics in interactions views

Contact center managers can now use additional filters and see more metric columns in the interactions views. These additions allow managers to find and view information about specific interactions. For more information, see Interactions viewAgents Interactions Detail view, and Queues Interactions Detail view.


Deprecation announcements

The Genesys Cloud Release Notes now include feature and other deprecation announcements when available. For more information, see Feature deprecations.

TURN port range deprecation

Starting May 31, 2019, Genesys Cloud’s TURN servers will stop allowing connections outside of the 16834–32768 port range. For more information, see Deprecation: TURN port range.