Genesys Cloud - August 1, 2018


Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework API

Developers can now use the Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework API to embed a simplified Genesys Cloud client into third-party web applications, with extension points that connect directly to business logic in those web applications. The API uses the common framework shared by the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce, Genesys Cloud for Zendesk, Genesys Cloud for Chrome, and Genesys Cloud for Firefox integrations, enabling developers to provide a richer integration between Genesys Cloud and the web application. For more information, see Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework in the Developer Center.

Contact center

Japanese TTS and ASR language support

Text-to-speech (TTS) and speech recognition (ASR) support are now available for Japanese (ja-JP). Genesys Cloud now provides full support for Japanese: IVR prompts and runtime, telephony user interface (TUI), text-to-speech, and speech recognition. Note: Due to language model size, when Japanese is enabled, Genesys Cloud currently allows English as the only other language in the org. For more information, see Genesys Cloud supported languages. This feature requires Edge and Media Tier version or later.

Language string variable name change in Architect 

In Architect call flows, the Interaction.Language string variable is now called Call.Language. References to Interaction.Language in existing flows will continue to work as intended, but best practice recommends updating flows to use Call.Language. This step prevents deprecated variable usage messages in Architect. For more information, see Architect built-in variables.

View past reports in report history

Supervisors can now view past reports in a report’s history for a maximum of 90 days after the report runs. For more information, see View report history


Introducing the Amazon Lex integration

The Amazon Lex integration provides Natural Language Understanding (NLU) within inbound, outbound, and in-queue customer interaction flows. Obtain and configure the Amazon Lex integration from the Genesys AppFoundry, build the Lex Bots in the AWS console, and then call them from Architect flows. This feature helps administrators and contact center managers implement self-service applications for customers before or in lieu of routing them to an agent. This feature requires Edge and Media Tier version or later. The Amazon Lex integration is available in the US East (N. Virginia) and EU (Ireland) AWS regions. For more information, see About the Amazon Lex integration

Genesys Cloud for Chrome extension

A new Genesys Cloud for Chrome extension replaces the older PureCloud for Chrome app and extension, consolidating installation and configuration into a single browser extension. For more information, see About the Genesys Cloud browser extensions and Migrate to the new Genesys Cloud for Chrome.