Genesys Cloud
Introducing funnel analysis – enhancing customer journey insights

Announced on Effective date
2024-07-29 -

In a future release, Genesys Cloud will introduce Funnel Analysis, a feature designed to provide a deeper understanding of customer journeys. Building on the recent release of Journey Analyzer, Funnel Analysis enables analysts to view conversion rates at each step of the customer journey, offering insights that were previously unavailable.

This feature aims to help analysts and CX leaders see how customers move through their journeys to achieve their goals. By focusing on a cupcake delivery journey, the first version of Funnel Analysis provides two key pieces of information: conversion rates and the number of customers who did not proceed to the next step. The step-by-step conversion rate calculation aligns with the Action Maps feature, ensuring consistency for users. Future enhancements may include additional metrics like dropouts due to time constraints and conversions relative to the first step in the journey, as well as analyses based on sessions and event volumes.

Previously, Journey Managers, analysts, and CX leaders lacked automatic tools to visualize customer progression through different journey steps, specifically conversion rates and customer dropouts. Funnel Analysis addresses this gap, allowing for quick and efficient analysis.