UUI data formats

To avoid unexpected truncation of UUI data in Genesys Cloud, take note of the headers third parties use to send UUI data. Genesys Cloud adheres to the IETF UUI specification for UUI data. 

UUI header Description Genesys Cloud removes first octet?

In this case, the first octet, called the “protocol discriminator,” describes the payload’s contents. For example, if you want to use “12345” as UUI data in Architect, then the far end needs to send “xx12345” because Genesys Cloud removes “xx.” If the far end does not send a protocol discriminator, then your data will be truncated because Genesys Cloud always removes the first octet.


User-to-User: XXhexdata;encoding=hex;purpose=isdn-uui;content=isdn-uui

where XX is the protocol discriminator.


User-to-User with pd parameter

Some gateways specify the protocol discriminator separately in a parameter. In this case the pd parameter contains the protocol discriminator, so Genesys Cloud does not remove the first octet.


User-to-User: hexdata;pd=XX;encoding=hex;purpose=isdn-uui;content=isdn-uui

where XX is the protocol discriminator. 


This is the Audiocodes proprietary header, which only includes the data. It does not use the protocol discriminator nor any of the other standard parameters and depending on the encoding you select, is in the following format.




Note: If you are formatting a UUI header for a REFER, the data should be in the following format, where XX is the protocol discriminator. Refer-To: <sip:address@ip?User-to-User=XXhexdata%3Bencoding%3Dhex>